1-800-586-6054 | Ambient Cognitive Cyber Surveillance Defending Against Data Breaches & Privacy Violations | Request Demo protect@cognetyx.com

 The Most Comprehensive & Customizable Security Risk Management & Privacy Monitoring System.

#1 Cognitive Security & Privacy Surveillance Platform

A Superior, Proactive IT Security Risk Assessment & Surveillance of Privacy Violations. 

It’s not a matter of IF you will experience a data/privacy breach. It is a matter of WHEN it is going to occur, and WHAT the cost to your organization will be.

A Machine Learning System that truly ‘learns’ your organization’s specific workflows.

Vendor Risk Assessments * Patient Privacy Monitoring * Incidents & Investigations * Vendor Contracts * BAA Mgmt * Policies & Procedures *
Learning Management System * Remote User Screen Capture *



What is Your Risk?

There is a 90% chance that your healthcare organization will experience a data breach or privacy violation within the next two years, and a 55% chance that the threat will have originated from an employee or vendor.

Average Days to Detect Breach

It takes an organization on average 226 days to detect a threat and 69 days to contain it. During this time hundreds of thousands of pieces of personal protected information are being stolen.

Cost in Billions

The financial costs to an organization can be in the millions.  In the past 6 years data breaches and privacy violations have cost the healthcare industry $31 Billion dollars & the loss of organizational trust is incalculable.

It’s time for a new approach to protecting patient data records.

An unparalleled virtual monitoring layer that is simple to deploy, easy to use and operates unobtrusively in the background. A protective shield powered by Cognitive Surveillance that vastly improves your organization’s defense against data breaches and privacy violations.

Intruno is here!.


Intruno can quickly identify stolen credentials by external hackers and malicious use by authorized users – scanning across all of your healthcare EMR systems.
Fast response times mean that we can identify and alert  you on suspect behavior within minutes of receiving data, help maintain HIPAA compliance, help generate required reports, and provide superior protection for those you serve.
Powerful 360° Surveillance 24/7 so that you can safeguard patient health records, and mitigate risk. A single end-to-end dashboard with drill down capability puts you in control of every aspect of Privacy & Compliance Monitoring.


Patented User Behavioral Analytics & Monitoring using Machine Learning

  Intruno provides superior surveillance that works as a part of your health care organization’s EMR ecosystem.  Our product combines proven cutting edge machine learning algorithms to process high volumes of data in the blink of an eye.

The output is a digital signature of every user’s normal behavior across each EMR application within the organization.

  The product provides 24/7 monitoring; for all users, across your entire EMR ecosystem. As it monitors user behavior, it continuously learns, recognizes and remembers normal patterns of use – to immediately identify activities which deviate from normal patterns.  This allows it to detect stolen credentials, as well as insiders who have “gone rogue.” Prompt alerts allow you to discover and contain data breaches within minutes…..not months.

An intuitively designed dashboard provides a single source of actionable insight for your organization and fully integrated HIPAA compliant reporting.


Although the Intruno product employs highly advanced technology, the system itself is simple, highly scalable, rapidly deployable, and non-intrusive, non-disruptive to clinical and IT workflows.
At a price-performance-value point that is 1/3 of traditional solutions, Intruno provides the ultimate in advanced privacy monitoring that is affordable enough for small and mid-sized organizations – but powerful enough to be used by large health systems, health plans, hospital organizations, and provider groups.
The entire Intruno system was developed with HIPAA compliance policies and regulations in mind and offers a new Privacy Monitoring layer on top of existing auditing solutions that you may have deployed, all from a single & intuitive dashboard.
Don’t try to combat today’s privacy & data breach threats with yesterday’s technology; call Intruno to find out how it can protect your organization and the patients it serves.